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Take control of your fuel
Telematics Integration
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Leverage the value of your existing telematics system by linking it to our FUELtran software.

Eliminates human error by combining odometer information from the telematics system with the fuel data.

Fuel Card Link
Automatically merge telematics data with service station or bunkered site fuel card transactions.
Maximise the value of your existing telematics system by automatically transferring odometer data to our FUELtran software. Eliminating manual data entry increases the reliability of statistics such as MPG, CO2 emission calculations and distance travelled.
Available from a selected, and growing, list of telematics partners, the telematics data is obtained and combined with the fuelling transaction to provide a seamless flow of information available at the touch of a button.
Telematics systems can obtain odometer data by two methods, CAN/ECU and GPS calculation. In our experience, CAN/ECU data tends to be more reliable than GPS calculated data as it comes direct from the vehicle's CAN bus to ensure the best possible accuracy.
If you use fuel cards at service stations or bunkered fuel depots, the fuelling card data can be imported into FUELtran and combined with the telematics odometer readings to provide a single source of fuelling and consumption data.